Chocolate Ice Cream RecipeChocolate Ice Cream Recipe

It's the beginning of June, and I couldn't think of a better post to start off the month with, then this delicious recipe for Chocolate Ice Cream. This is a rich and decadent ice cream, that uses real dark chocolate as well as cocoa powder, and is so smooth and silky, that it simply slides down in …

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Dreams of the Orient: Visiting IstanbulDreams of the Orient: Visiting Istanbul

We are going on the road again. And this time, I will be taking you to Turkey, or to be more precise my sister will. This next series that will be uploaded is actually her travel log. She visited Istanbul, Turkey recently, and made lots of images, that I was editing for her, and we thought about sh…

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Visiting Istanbul [Part 1/3]: The Blue Mosque and Grand BazaarVisiting Istanbul [Part 1/3]: The Blue Mosque and Grand Bazaar

Welcome to a newphoto series, that will take us to the south-east of Europe and the south-western tip of Asia: Istanbul. My sister Jasmina made the trip recently and came back with lots of images of this, breathtakingly beautiful place. Even though I didn't make the photos in this series, after edi…

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Visiting Istanbul [Part 2/3]: The Topkapi PalaceVisiting Istanbul [Part 2/3]: The Topkapi Palace

We continue our stay in the Orient. In part two I will show you the Topkapi Palace, which is a large palace in Istanbul that was the primary residence of the Ottoman Sultans for approximately 400 years (1465-1856) of their 624-year reign.  This is a multi part series. Other parts include: Part One:…

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