via On August 19, as Allied forces approached, resistance fighters in Paris incited a rebellion against their Nazi and Vichy rulers and stre...
August 25, 1944 : Paris is liberated
August 25, 1944 : Paris is liberated
via On August 19, as Allied forces approached, resistance fighters in Paris incited a rebellion against their Nazi and Vichy rulers and stre...
All in all, this is just a magical place to be in during Christmas. In the following posts I will reveal more of the city itself and all the...
In this penultimate episode of the fourth season of Beni's Diaries, you can see him playing outside in the park and autumn colored citys...
Lina Basquette, well known dancer and musical comedy star, rehearsing new steps for an upcoming production on a ledge of the roof of the Ho...
I am back from Cologne with 700+ new shots of one of the most beautiful Christmas destinations of the world. More to follow as soon as I ge...