After being on the waiting list for what seems like forever, my 5D Mark II has arrived! I've had it for about a week and it's taking some getting used to as with the zoom lens, it's about twice the weight of my old camera and much bigger but I already love it to bits!

Unfortunately, all my old spare batteries aren't compatible with it so I'll have to buy another battery soon, but at least my remote still works (even though I'm planning to take far fewer self-portraits now after a bit of a reality check!)

Thanks to Graham for the sad unboxing pictures!

I've also acquired my first piece of L glass, the 24-70mm, and although it weighs nearly a kilo, it really is a fantastic bit of kit!

My first set of pictures shot on the 5D will be online soon - I did a shoot for Sketchbook Magazine in their pop up shop in Carnaby Street earlier this week, so they'll all be online once I've finished retouching them. I'll also blog about it too :)


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