Late summer. Even though it's still hot where I live, the warm days are slowly starting to wind down. You can clearly see that in the nights and mornings that have been cooler then usual.

Of course late summer brings with it some sort of nostalgia. Mostly, you start to reflect on months past, and look upon the new season, preparing on what's to come. Summer always brings with it some lightness and carelessness, and it is exactly that that starts to vanish before our very eyes and in our minds.

I always find that the summer to autumn transition is very strange. Lots of things happen around you, and If you blink you'll miss it. It's gradual at first but changes then happen so fast that I sometimes wonder when did it get so cold all of a sudden. That's why I like to relish in this period of time. Tank sun and light and move slowly into my favorite season: autumn. There is nothing quite like the vivid colors that mother nature starts to bring out everywhere.

I leave you with some aerials that I took recently on our way back from the mountain bistro (Part One here, Part Two here). These were taken on the mountain Makljen, overlooking small villages spread around the Rama Lake. The sun was slowly setting and I just love the birds perspective you get when watching these.

click on the images for a bigger view

The sun was just behind this cloud, creating an interesting indirect lighting effect.

The road home...

In this last shot you can see the other side of the aerial view (and also Beni, who is looking for me, since he doesn't know why I left the car if we are not home yet).

Tomorrow, get ready for a new tutorial, that will cover black-and-white landscapes, and how you can add some drama and movement to your images through black-and-white. It'll be quite good, I promise.

Let me know what you think of these aerials in the comments below.


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