While summer is not completely gone yet, you can feel it fading slowly away. In Mostar at least the days are enjoyably warm the mornings and evenings fresh. It's a perfect time of the year in my opinion. The summer heat often hiders you from going out, but now, we can finally enjoy the outsides. I haven't done a garden update in a while, I think the last time I posted about it was in late spring. That's why for today's post I welcome you again into our little garden to find out what has changed...

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The early Sunday morning has Beni lounging on the front terrace, soaking in the rays of the sun. With his new chew toy beside him, he occasionally lifts his head up to see what I am doing. After a few glances he is back to sleeping in the sun.

The tangerines are still green, waiting for fall to ripen completely. Last year we had a couple of them, this year it seems like there will be more. I really love their sweet citrus juices.

We had a lot of lavender throughout the summer. It's one of those plants that just loves heat, so there was no beating it. Of course I had to regularly water all the plants in order for them to survive the agonizing heat of summer. We use lavender for all sorts of things. They are good repellents of mosquitoes, give fresh scent to your clothing and repel bugs (just put some in a cloth bag and hang it in your closet).

Roses have been coming and going since spring. The latest batch of them has a rather wonderful deep red color. We leave it on the bushes, but also pluck them and put in vases throughout the house.

Our fig trees have had a grow spurt since spring. We even ate our first figs from them, and they were just delicious. They have been crowding the backside of the garden, and we will trim them when winter approaches.

Our orange and lemon trees are still growing nicely, but aren't showing any fruits yet. Last year they bloomed in late autumn, so there is still hope.

Mint is always there, and I don't think we could get rid of it even if we wanted to at this point :) We use it for cooking mostly, but it's also nice to see in a vase, you can pluck at it when needed. We also grow herbs like oregano, basil and rosemary. But I didn't get any shots of them.

Even though the leaves have turned brown in this one spot, it hasn't really stopped the kiwi from growing. We are still waiting for them to plump up and become big and juicy.

Those would be all the sights from our home for now. Sunday goes on, lots of chores are waiting for me, so Beni and I are off for now...

I wish everybody a great Sunday, and please come back tomorrow for an all new edition of the photo meme "Through My Lens"


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