As I looked into the deep woods that were in front of me, the fog that surrounded us kept getting thicker and thicker. It reached a point where looking into the Mostar valley was just starring into complete white. The sounds of the forest on the other hand, were more alive. I love this little spot in these mountains, and I hope you will too.

This is a multi-part series. Other parts include:
Part One: Isolation
Part Two: Inside
Part Three: Return

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Inside the Forest

We continued our drive through the narrow mountain road. Somewhere in these regions, far from the city of Mostar, small villages are spread throughout the landscape. But on this day, they were hidden inside the fog. I stopped my car on the side of the road and we stopped to take more images.

Entrance into the Woods

A small stone fence, separates the mountain road from the entrance to the wood. The terrain is uneven, and besides the winter green trees, there is not much blooming growth. The forest is not too thick, but the fog banks rolling in, everything was mysterious.

I kept on going as far as i could, taking in the surroundings and simply enjoying the sights.

In the upcoming last part we will return home, and along the way see some (hopefully) amazing foggy cityscapes.

End of Part Two
To be continued...

Come back tomorrow for the last part.
Do you venture out into the woods in winter?


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