The end of March marked my first year of working as a full-time freelance photographer. If you've not read it yet, why not check part one of this blog post HERE first!

So here we go - part two! I initially intended this blog post to be a one-parter but it ended up being so wordy that I had to split it into two. As I format this I'm finding even more things to write about.. but that will have to be another post for another time :-)


7. Find a way to inspire yourself into action

Some days I just can't get work done. It's a big problem when working at home when your brain struggles to differentiate between home time and work time. I've discovered this year that my fix for that is going away and working in a coffee shop - it puts me into the work "zone" and I have nothing to distract myself with!

8. Find the time to inspire yourself and work on your portfolio
Although I've not reached this point as much as I'd like to yet, I'm quickly realising that making time to do personal work is incredibly important - even if you have to book it in a month in advance to make sure you do it. My husband and I have a little trip away planned for mid-April and there are no words for how excited I am to have the time to pour into my personal work and self-portraiture.

9. Write EVERYTHING down.
Have a client call? Write down the details. Have a spontaneous idea? Write it down. The biggest thing i learnt from working around other self-employed people is to write everything down, because you just can't expect to carry all this information around in your head. I carry a notebook everywhere now and always have it to refer back to.

10. It's ok to cry. Really.
Going freelance has been a roller coaster of emotions for me: elation, despair, inspiration, frustration, happiness, stress. Not everything will go to plan - life isn't perfect - it is understandably stressful not knowing where your next work is coming from, and you have to let yourself experience the emotions that go with it instead of bottling it up.

11. Stop comparing yourself to others and see how far you have come
It's easy to be constantly stuck on goal-mode and focused on what you want to achieve (or what others before you have achieved), but you might be surprised if you look back and really look at how much you have achieved. If you showed your portfolio as it is now to the person you were when you first fell in love with your photography, I bet they would be impressed!

And finally..

12. You will learn how rewarding it is..
..when you wake up in the morning and realise you are doing what you love for a living. When you realise that despite all the stress you have a great deal of freedom and are fully in control of your own life and career. It's not without its stresses, but going full time is the best decision I have ever made and I can honestly say it makes me happy every single day.

Writing this article on my blog has really pushed myself out of my comfort zone and I hope to do a lot more writing in the future.. I'd better get my thinking cap on for future posts! In the meantime I have a few blog posts to write on a photo day with Suzy Wimbourne, testing with the Leaf Credo medium format system and a little update on my equipment set up.. lots to come :D


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